Gorgeous Grasses

Gorgeous Grasses

It seems entirely appropriate that my first ever Garden blog post should be on the subject of ornamental grasses, as I am totally passionate about this group of plants.  Every garden that I design includes a grass variety, or two….or three!   Grasses add texture, movement and luminosity to otherwise static plantings.  Most are drought tolerant, and are rarely troubled by insect pests or diseases. They are simply so versatile, beautiful year round and easy care not to be used exuberantly in all areas of your garden.

Helictotrichon sempervirens flower

Helictotrichon sempervirens flower

There are grasses to suit every corner of your garden:  from full sun to shade, wet or dry, and even shallow and poor quality soils.  Ornamental grasses come in a multitude of colours besides green, including steely blue, gold, silver, chartreuse, bronze and even jet black.  Many grasses are evergreen and provide structure and interest through the seasons.  Others die back when the cold temperatures arrive, yet hold their dried structure through the winter, offering food and shelter for the birds and photo worthy opportunities for sunlight glistening on frosty seedheads.

photo of fall ornamental grass

Deschampsia ‘Northern Lights’ in fall after foliage has died back

photo of grass perennial combo

sunlight illuminates Nasella tenuissima – with Perovskia and Echinacea

So many grasses are available in at garden centres nowadays, it’s hard to know which varieties to choose.  Here are my tried, tested and preferred picks for growing conditions in the Pacific Northwest:

Sun lovers

Helictotrichon sempervirens (Blue oat grass) – evergreen
Miscanthus ‘Flamingo’, ‘Adagio’, ‘Purpurescens’ (Maiden grass) – warm season
Pennisetum ‘Hameln’, ‘Moudry’, ‘Karley Rose’ (Fountain grass) – warm season
Nasella tenuissima (Feather grass) – cool season
Panicum ‘Heavy Metal’, ‘Shenandoah’ (Switch Grass) – warm season
Festuca ‘Elijah Blue’ (Blue fescue) – cool season
Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’, ‘Overdam’ (Feather reed grass) – cool season
Carex ‘Prairie Fire’ (Orange sedge) – evergreen

photo of Miscanthus flowers in fall

Miscanthus flowers in October

Shade Tolerant

Hakonechloa ‘Aureola’ (Japanese Forest Grass) – warm season
Carex elata ‘Aurea’ (Bowles golden sedge) – cool season
Carex ‘Ice Dance’ (Variegated groundcover sedge) – evergreen
Deschampsia ‘Northern Lights’ (Hair grass) – cool season
Molinia caerulea ‘Variegata’ (Variegated moor grass) – cool season
Ophiopogon ‘Nigrescens’ (Black mondo grass) – evergreen
Chasmanthum latifolium (Northern sea oats) – warm season
Imperata ‘Red Baron’ (Blood grass) – warm season

photo of northern sea oats

Chasmanthum latifolium seed head resembles oats

photo of shade garden

Hakonechloa ‘Aureola’ and Ophiopogon ‘Nigrescens’ in a mixed shade border

I encourage you to experiment adding some grasses to your existing beds.  You’ll be surprised how much they elevate the overall look and feel of your garden.

happy gardening!




© Kristi Bellis and Bluleaf Living, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kristi Bellis and Bluleaf Living with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Healthy Mind-Set

Healthy Mind-Set

I have this quote from Kathy Coover (co-founder of Isagenix) on the pin board above my desk:


In the years I’ve been coaching people on the Isagenix products, I’ve definitely seen this to be true.  I know the products work. I hear feedback daily from people who are having overwhelming success.  I have my own good health as proof.  There is no deficiency when it comes to Isagenix products.  So why do some people succeed in reaching their health goals, while others fail?

This past year I’ve had the experience of coaching my husband, who has successfully lost over 100 pounds.  Living with the person I’m coaching gave me a whole new insight into the process.  What I witnessed with Mike is that getting the product into your body every day is the easy part.  It didn’t matter that he didn’t follow the 30 day protocol religiously.  What I discovered was that a positive mind-set is as big a part of transforming your health as improving your nutrition.

Here are a few of the qualities that I witnessed in Mike that I believe are key to his amazing success, beyond just consuming Isagenix products every day:

1.    Commitment – he is thoroughly committed to improving and maintaining good health.  He doesn’t waver. He doesn’t make excuses.  He’s playing at 100% ALL IN! He doesn’t just talk about it, he DOES it.  His motto: “suit up and show up”

2.    Vision – he has a vision for what he wants to achieve and he hasn’t lost sight of it.  When he is faced with temptation he is able to recognize what will and what will not lead him forward towards his goals.  His focus is on gaining health (positive), not losing weight (negative).  We don’t own a scale and weigh ins only took place periodically.

3.    Willingness to Change – he has an open mind and is receptive to coaching. He has accepted new ideas about healthy eating. He takes a more active role in food preparation and has learned how to snack healthy and try new recipes.  He is prepared with healthy options every time he leaves the house.  He is eating more consciously – recognizing when he’s full, eating when he’s truly hungry and not out of habit.

4.    Balance – he still eats the food he loves, just less of it. He doesn’t view this is a diet so nothing is off limits but this is where #2 comes into play.  He recognizes that the key is moderation, not deprivation.  He has created space in his life to make daily exercise a priority.

5.    Transparency – he has been totally open and honest about his circumstances.  He has shared his intentions and goals with friends and family.  Putting it all out there provides an aspect of accountability that helps stay on target.

6.    Gratitude – he expresses his gratitude out loud every single day.  He is thankful for the ability to move easily, to be free of discomfort.  He is thankful for restful sleep and abundant energy.  He is thankful for Isagenix, for plentiful healthy food and good meals shared.  He is grateful to be happy.

If you’re taking Isagenix and not getting the results you want, I urge you to consider taking a closer look at your mind-set and see where you can make some adjustments to move you towards success.

In good health,




© Kristi Bellis and Bluleaf Living, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kristi Bellis and Bluleaf Living with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Journey to Health

Journey to Health

I’ve coached many, many people over the years I’ve been working with Isagenix products.  The stories and transformations always amaze me, and are really what motivate me to continue sharing.  Playing a small role in changing someone’s life is supremely rewarding.

I feel grateful for every opportunity I get to work with a new cleanser, but I must say that the most rewarding coaching relationship to date has been working with my husband Mike.  I waited years for him to come around to the idea of trying a 30 Day program.  I just knew that he would benefit, and aspects of his health that troubled him daily would improve by taking the products.  I urged him to try it but he just wasn’t open.  I watched him suffer, knowing that I had something that could help.

Many of my colleagues share the same experience – that those closest to them, the ones they want to help the most, are the most resistant to trying the products.  I’m so pleased that Mike finally decided it was his time to change, and that he trusted me to coach him through the process.

Here’s a video of his journey to health that we used to support his IsaBody Challenge submission:

Video not available

My patience in waiting for Mike to say YES was a good lesson for me, as a coach.  It simply has to be the right time for someone, in order to get a successful outcome.  When a person starts taking the product because they were forced or coerced to by a well-meaning friend or loved one… they often fail.  I will address that issue in a separate post – Healthy Mind-Set.

It is Mike’s hope that by sharing his journey of transformation, he can uplift and inspire others who are suffering, and who are ready for change.

weight-loss transformation

Mike at his goal weight of 220 lbs

In good health,




© Kristi Bellis and Bluleaf Living, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kristi Bellis and Bluleaf Living with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


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